Minimal WebComponent to parse file selectors into bytearrays

Minimal WebComponent to parse file selectors into bytearrays

Extending the HTMLInputElement and using custom events for easy hooks

I’m in the process of moving the (non-wasm parts) of my web front-end for cega over to vanilla Jasvacript WebComponents. I’ve liked how much it cleans up and encapsulates the logic without even needing a framework. The hooks for parsing the file into a byte array on the client-side (for passing to the wasm) were an obvious extraction point, so I pulled it out to a gist micro-project: file-byte-reader.

This hides a lower-level abstraction with its own async, FileReader. It also makes a nice real world example of extending an input tag and using custom events to give easy hooks for your WebComponents. I liked the pattern Chris Ferdinandi was using for having a (partially) curried emit function to make dispatching your events more succinct, so I’ve added it to my practices for WebComponents going forward.

ETA: The code in this post may not get updates, so check the gist on the project page for the latest.

//attach a listener (to an `is` applied file selector) that will get the parsed byte array:
//<input is="file-byte-reader" id="file-input" type="file"
//$('#file-input').addEventListener("file-byte-reader:loaded", e => YOURHANDLER(e.detail));
class FileByteReader extends HTMLInputElement {
  connectedCallback() {
    this.addEventListener('change', this.onChange);

  emit (type, detail = {}) {
    let event = new CustomEvent(`file-byte-reader:${type}`, {
      bubbles: false,
      cancelable: false,
      detail: detail
    return this.dispatchEvent(event);

  onFileLoad(event) {
    this.emit('loaded', new Int8Array(;

  onChange() {
    if (this.files.length == 0) { return }
    Array.from(this.files).forEach(file => {
      const fileReader = new FileReader();
      fileReader.addEventListener('loadend', e => this.onFileLoad(e));
customElements.define("file-byte-reader", FileByteReader, { extends: 'input'});

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