Handling FormData and file inputs in Rust Wasm

Handling FormData and file inputs in Rust Wasm

Pull requests and example usage of yew, gloo, and web-sys

I submitted some pull requests for additional examples to the top level library I’m using for Rust Wasm, yew. Some of the underlying tech and libraries have advanced since most of the examples were created, and there wasn’t a simple one for a very common use case: using a form with multiple fields, including a file-input selector.

Given there are a lot of PRs outstanding and the their CI is a bit b0rked, I don’t know how likely it is they’ll get pulled in, so I’ll document here. Also, some of the answers apply to the underlying lbraries even if you aren’t using yew, and it took some digging through reddit, code, examples, and finally Discord to find the simplest answers using the current state of all the pieces.

Simple form

The primary access to form data can be handled from web-sys directly. I’m using yew to build the html and handle the context and events and everything, but the yew events map to web-sys events, so either way it’s useful:

use web_sys::{FormData, HtmlFormElement};
use yew::prelude::*;
Msg::Submit(event) => {
	let form: HtmlFormElement = event.target_unchecked_into();
	let form_data = FormData::new_with_form(&form).expect("form data");
	    "{} {}",
//yes this is still actually a rust file, not html. Yew does some funky with a macro for handling inline html nodes
html! {
	<form onsubmit={ctx.link().callback(Msg::Submit)}>
	    <label>{"Sign up"}</label>
	    <input name="first" placeholder="First name"/>
	    <input name="last" placeholder="Last name"/>
	    <input type="submit"/>

To keep things snappy, web-sys makes heavy use of features/conditional compilation. Make sure to include the ones you need (other examples may use additionl features, check the linked PRs or the repo for full details).

version = "0.3.69"
features = ["FormData", "HtmlFormElement"]

Form with file input selector

Handling file data from an input in a form gets a bit more complicated on the client side. The browser just stores a reference to the file in that input, so you don’t just get immediate access to it. To parse the file data requires starting to deal with more async bridging between rust, js, and native browser bindings.

At it’s core it’s still relatively simple, once you understand it and have pared all the fluff off (the original upload example handles drag and drop, which is nice for UX, but gets in the way when going for a simplest base case)

In the form we make a callback for the actual submission, and make another one on the file input directly, so that it can kick-off the file parsing immediately and not wait for entering other data and clicking submit. I actually disable the submit button till that is finished, to simplify the async handling (arguably this too is fluff, but mostly it’s here to show the multiple different steps of callbacks/async needed). gloo, well does what it’s named for, and sticks a lot of the js_sys and web_sys together in a way that makes it easy for yew (ha!) to deal with (I wonder if yew or gloo came first). In particular gloo::file::FileList::from handles the multiple levels of unwrapping and conversions to get a simple FileList type from the binding of the input, which we can then pass along to our file handling logic.

use std::collections::HashMap;

use base64::{engine::general_purpose::STANDARD, Engine};
use gloo::file::{callbacks::FileReader, File, FileList};
use gloo_console::debug;
use web_sys::{File as RawFile, FormData, HtmlFormElement, HtmlInputElement};
use yew::prelude::*;
html! {
<form onsubmit={ctx.link().callback(Msg::Submit)}>
    <lable for="alt-text">{"Alt Text"}</lable>
    <input id="alt-text" name="alt-text" />
        onchange={ctx.link().callback(move |e: Event| {
            let input: HtmlInputElement = e.target_unchecked_into();

File async “loading” via callbacks for input file selector

This is the core of the tricky bits. Again gloo streamlines a lot and gloo::file::callbacks::read_as_bytes handles the async parsing of the file data itself out of the file list. Since this is async and hands back a FileReader, we have to stick that reader somewhere to keep it alive and going, and a hashmap keyed off the filename works fine. When this completes we store the file_data in app state directly as a Vec (rather than adding more complex transforms back and forth across the bindgens and sticking it in a form input), reenable submit, and unref the reader closure from our hashmap.

Msg::Loaded(name, data) => {
    let submit = self.button.cast::<HtmlInputElement>().expect("button");
    self.file_data = data;
Msg::File(files) => {
    let submit = self.button.cast::<HtmlInputElement>().expect("button");

    let file = files[0].clone();
    let link = ctx.link().clone();
    let name = file.name().clone();
    let task = {
        gloo::file::callbacks::read_as_bytes(&file, move |res| {
            link.send_message(Msg::Loaded(name, res.expect("failed to read file")));
    self.readers.insert(file.name(), task);

Final form submission/processing

After that our submit logic is mostly just form handling + grabbing our stored file data out of state (resetting that might be unneccessary since it’ll just overwrite, but it just seems cleaner, just in case). self.files is just a Vec we use to iterate over and output the files. Oh maybe that's also interesting, so I'll include that part. It's just the standard approach to writing base64 image data directly into the src attribute.

Msg::Submit(event) => {
    debug!(event.clone()); // gloo_console for nice debugging via the browser inspector console
    let form: HtmlFormElement = event.target_unchecked_into();
    let form_data = FormData::new_with_form(&form).expect("form data");
    let image_file = File::from(RawFile::from(form_data.get("file")));

    let alt_text = form_data.get("alt-text").as_string().unwrap();
    let name = image_file.name();
    let data = self.file_data.clone();

    let file_type = image_file.raw_mime_type();
    self.files.push(FileDetails {
    self.file_data = Vec::default();
fn view_file(file: &FileDetails) -> Html {
    let src = format!(
    html! {
        <div class="preview-tile">
            <p class="preview-name">{ format!("{}", file.name) }</p>
            <div class="preview-media">
                <img src={src} alt={file.alt_text.clone()}/>

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